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Product Id:53 |
Product Name:2 - ZONE, 6 Digit LED Clock |
2 - ZONE, 6 Digit LED Clock with Date / Textmodel: HY- and HYTX-2Z-6(U)L-2.3 Multifunction Remote Control Included 2.3" TIME 1" DATE / TEXT or VINYL ZONE / TEXT with Smaller Seconds, Upper or Lower RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE FLUSH / SURFACE MOUNT METAL ENCLOSUREFEATURES and OPTIONS: * Infra Red hand held REMOTE CONTROL for all functions * Direct Replacement for existing MASTER SYSTEM CLOCKS (replaces round, mechanical or electronic) * 12 or 24 Hour and Military Display Format (user selectable) * Multiple Master-Slave correction options: Power Line Carrier sync (Simplex) 2 Wire, RS485 Twisted Pair Sync/Communication BCD digital, ASCII Time Code RS232 ( PC port ) or RS485 2 and 3 Wire Minute Impulse Sync * Multi-Zone synchronized system option * Temperature Monitoring and Control options: Multi-Event Programmable Thermostat Heating - Cooling Auto Change-Over Inside and Outside Thermometer function options: Min/Max Temperature Memory Temperature Alarm and Relay outputs * Stand - Alone or Master - Slave options * Backup: Selfrecharging backup - NO BATTERY NEEDED 10 Year Lithium battery option * Atomic Clock or GPS option * PC Sync Master option * Day/Date/Month/Year Alternating display selection * Fully Adjustable Brightness Manual via remote control Auto-dimming option * Julian Day option * Auto Leap-Year correction * Day Light Savings correction * Timers: Multi-Event Programmable Timer option Wake-Up Alarm Timer with soft beeper control Stop-Watch function up to 1/100 sec resolution External Start/Stop/Reset switch inputs option Up/Down Timer and Counter with Alarm (up to 99hrs:59min:59sec or 999999 counts) * On-Board Alarms: Alarm Buzzer, internal or external Horns option Alarm Relays option ( Form C, 10Amp/240V ) * NON-GLARE lens SPECIFICATIONS: Supp. Voltage:115V or 208-240V, 50/60Hz 24 or 12V AC/DC Power: 24VA average Oper. Temp: 0C to +50C (32F to 122F) (military range optional) Humidity: 95% RH max. non cond. Visibility: Up to 80Ft. (25m)6 DIGIT TIME DISPLAY modes: MODE 1: .HH:MM SS ( 12 hour format with am/pm dot ) MODE 2: HH:MM SS ( 24 hour format) MODE 3: HH:MM PM ( 12 hour format with am/pm text ) MODE 4: HH:MM SS ( 24 hour Military format ) MODE 5: HH:MM SS ( UP/DOWN Timer modes ) MODE 6: MM:SS hh ( UP/DOWN Timer modes with 1/100 sec ) MODE 7: d 267 07 ( JULIAN DAY with Year ) NOTE: Display with UPPER or LOWER seconds available DATE/TEXT DISPLAY modes: MODE 1: FRI-OCT-12 MODE 2: OCT-12-FRI MODE 3: 12-OCT-FRI MODE 4: FRI-12-OCT MODE 5: 12-OCT-2007 MODE 6: OCT-12-2007 MODE 7: 2007-12-OCT MODE 8: HH-MM-SS ( timer or counter ) MODE 9: TIMER MM-SS ( timer ) MODE 10: DDD-HH-MM.SS ( timer or counter ) MODE 11: IN 25.3 C (or: 77.5 F) MODE 12: OUT 16.4 C (or: 61.5 F) MODE 13: TEMP. 25.3 C (or: 77.5 F) MODE 14: DAY 245 ( Julian day of the year ) MODE 15: HH-MM-SS AM/PM ( Real Time Clock ) MODE 16: TIME ZONE / TEXT DISPLAY OTHER OPTIONS: 1. INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY FOR 115V or 220V , 50/60Hz 2. 12V and 24V DC or AC SUPPLY OPTION 3. SYSTEM MASTER SYNC WITH RS-232/485 COMPUTER INTERFACE / TWISTER PAIR 4. SYSTEM MASTER SYNC WITH SERIAL COMMUNICATION OVER POWER LINE 5. SYSTEM MASTER SYNC OVER POWER LINE CARRIER (HIGH AND LOW VOLTAGE) 6. SYSTEM MASTER SYNC 2 AND 3 WIRE MINUTE IMPULSE 7. SYSTEM MASTER SYNC ASCII TIME CODE FORMAT 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ON RS-232/485 KERA Technologies Inc. www.ledclocks.com E-mail: sales@ledclocks.com ALL CLOCKS INCLUDE REMOTE CONTROL |
2 - ZONE, 6 Digit LED Clock